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Geothermal heat

Sustainable heat in Vierpolders

The Islandplant BV headquarters in Vierpolders have been heated by geothermal heat since 1 February 2016.

Geothermal heat is an infinite source of energy. Natural processes in the earth’s crust have been producing heat for millions of years and will continue to do so for millions of years to come. This makes geothermal heat a clean, reliable and sustainable alternative to fossil energy. There are scarcely any CO2 emissions and no residual waste.
In addition, geothermal heat is frequently readily available, even in large areas of the Netherlands. The economic feasibility is primarily determined by the costs of investment and maintenance of the installation. This makes the costs of geothermal predictable and stable and not subject to the fluctuation of oil and gas prices.

Islandplant BV has been working on making its process more sustainable for many years. The Vierpolders Collective Geothermal Heat (CAV) was founded in collaboration with horticultural businesses in the surroundings. Together we sought for a way to use geothermal heat. The study was subsidised in part by the "European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development" as part of the SBI scheme (Collaboration for Innovation).
This under the rubric: "European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development: Europe invests in its countryside."

More information:

Vierpolders starts geothermal heat project #rtvrijnmond